The Origins & Failings of Modern Medicine

Origins of Modern Medicine
In the 1870's, Louis Pasteur proved that heat-processing slowed food spoilage and lengthened the shelf life of mold- damaged wine. He saved vineyard owners from financial loss and ruin, but he condemned wine drinkers to seasons of toxic wine produced from unhealthy crops of grapes.
Pasteur presumed that fungus and bacteria caused disease. He failed to realize that an unhealthy crop succumbed to fungus and molds. Rather than looking to enrich the soil to generate healthy grapes, he attacked the fungus and mold that were symptoms of the unhealthy crop. Diseases, he surmised, originate from constant types of microbes attacking the body from outside.
Contrary to Pasteur, his contemporary, Dr. Antoine Bechamp, 1816-1908, claimed that disease originates from within the body because of the destruction of cellular integrity by toxic food and pollution. He contended that all microbes were beneficial, some for cleansing, some for maintenance and others for regeneration, but that none were responsible for causing disease.
I suppose that because we are a warring society, we ignored Bechamp and embraced Pasteur. Maybe it was easier for us to believe that we could recognize and battle invading forces rather than consider changing our life styles. Regardless, modern medicine's justification for microbial wars is based on speculation, fear and pseudoscience.
Louis Pasteur made the "germ theory" famous but he killed it on his deathbed. Many reports said that some of his dying words were:
Pathogens are not the problem. The environment in which and on which pathogens feed is the problem of disease.
That means that the cause of disease is the quality of our air, food and all substances with which we come in contact.
Louis Pasteur's dying words were lost because philanthropists, people in government and pharmaceutical houses lobbied and funded the research to plan and fight a war against germs (microbes). Those who joined the microbial war were intellectuals, mainly academics, who were excited by the opportunity to prove the germ theory and once and for all to win a battle against disease. However, instead of conducting experiments to prove or disprove any validity to the theory, they accepted the theory to be as true as the law of gravity.
Through Pasteur's work, the new medical scientists of the time gained respect and quickly seized the opportunity to root in academia. Consequently, our science does not understand how disease develops. Medical science is obsessed with studying cellular particles without understanding the basic nature and relationship of the body holistically. They established an arsenal of weapons. They created drugs and tools of diagnoses, surgery and radiation. The original intention to defeat disease became rhetoric. The new intention became profit.
Medical science readily wages war in our bodies, treating the symptoms of disease with drugs, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and machines. This treatment of symptoms, rather than the causes of disease, has proved to imbalance body chemistry and has filled our bodies with toxins. Most often, those toxins cause loss of quality of life and more disease. The foundation and structure of modern medicine is disease, not wellness. Humanity suffers from disease because we do not focus on rational cure and prevention.
We have libraries based on Pasteur's point of view, so let's look at information that supports and proves the accuracy of Dr. Bechamp's work. In the early 1900's, German zoologist Günther Enderlein observed through a powerful dark-field microscope, hundreds of tiny moving beings in blood that entered into union with organized bacteria. Enderlein stated that in the serum of all people and warm-blooded animals, there are living microorganisms that often are called the "bug factory". He properly named them endobionts, meaning "internal life". Enderlein saw what Bechamp believed existed: That all microbes beneficially partake in a natural developmental cycle, changing into bacterial and fungal phases, including those misnamed as "pathogens". It is a modern-day tragedy that Bechamp's work has not been funded and tested rigorously.
The Failure of Modern Medicine
Most medical doctors have studied 0 to 16 hours of nutrition in premedical and medical school. Whether we consider Sloan Kettering, Johns Hopkins, Mayo, Beth Israel, or the Cleveland Clinic, the knowledge base of food and nutrition, its efficacy, and the funding of testing are virtually non-existent. If modern medicine does not understand the cause of disease, how can it elevate our health? We cannot be medically treated without compromising our health and most often the quality of our lives.
To illustrate how irrational much of modern medicine is, consider that today's biotechnology has produced 791 anticancer agents. None of them are designed to eliminate the causes of cancer. Trillions of dollars have been spent on cancer, yet medicine has not invented any effective "therapy" that does not have serious side-effects. Modern medical therapies fail miserably, with an overall survival rate of approximately 17% beyond 5 years.
Through the media, the pharmaceutical industry and scientific community keep us believing that someday they will sell us a magic potion that will create a super immune system and a disease-free environment in the human body. Although that scenario is extremely improbable, people continue to fund and believe in them. More likely, we will reflect from a future time upon the human body's poisoning by today's medical therapies similar to the way we viewed the practice of bloodletting in the 20th Century. Future science will probably condemn today's paradigm of modern medicine for being exactly what it is: Ignorance, lack of education, and unwillingness to fund natural research into the cause and prevention of disease. The change is likely to be difficult because cancer is big business, trillions of dollars each year.
Today's medical science tries to prevent microbes rather than pollution from entering our bodies. It attempts to cleanse Nature's ubiquitous microbes from the body and environment rather than cleanse us of toxins. They annihilate rather than nurture our cells with the liveliest nutrient- and bacteria-rich raw food. Our mechanical sciences are brilliant but our life-sciences are stuck in a quagmire of delusion, pride and greed. Nurturing is the wisest approach to prevent and reverse disease. Nurturing maintains and/or restores the highest quality of a fully enjoyable rich life, even if we live in simplicity.