The Cholesterol Myth

The Cholesterol Myth
For the past four decades governments, doctors, dietetic associations, and more significantly pharmaceutical lobbying groups, around the world, have been touting that saturated fats and cholesterol cause atherosclerosis yet there is much proof to the contrary. In fact studies have shown that people with high cholesterol have a lower all cause mortality.
The cholesterol myth started with Ancel Keys who was largely funded by the sugar industry. The full extent of his studies were conveniently omitted as they did not fit the desired outcome of villifying cholesterol and saturated fat. Of the twenty countries he studied, thirteen were supressed because they didn't fit the agenda and seven were cherry picked because of better bias. It was around this time that they started pushing the so called health benefits of carbs as well which we now know are unhealthy and detrimental.
The Truth Was Supressed Because It Didn't Fit Their Agenda
Ancel keys and his evil benefactors were responsible for suppressing a study by Ramsden, as it didn't fit their agenda. Only parts of the trial's results were ever published, leaving out the controversial finding that replacing saturated fats with vegetable oil had no benefit on mortality. As reported by Scientific American.
Ramsden's Study shows that not only does high cholesterol not cause heart disease it actually lowers mortality
Ramsden, of the National Institutes of Health, unearthed raw data from a 40-year-old study, which challenges the dogma that eating vegetable fats instead of animal fats is good for the heart. The study, the largest gold-standard experiment testing that idea, found the opposite
After analyzing the data, Ramsden and his team found that vegetable oils lowered total cholesterol levels by an average of 14 percent after one year. However, this lower cholesterol did not result in improved health and longevity, which is the conventional belief. Instead,
the research showed that the lower the cholesterol, the higher the risk of dying!
For every 30 point drop in total cholesterol there was a 22 percent increased chance of death. In the 65 and older category, those who received vegetable oil experienced roughly 15 percent more deaths compared to seniors in the saturated fat group. The vegetable oil also did not result in fewer cases of atherosclerosis or heart attacks.
Other studies also show no correlation between High cholesterol and heart disease
There is no solid evidence that high cholesterol causes heart disease. On the contrary, more than a dozen studies, the first one published almost 80 years ago, have shown that those with low cholesterol become just as atherosclerotic as people with high cholesterol.
There is no evidence that too much animal fat and cholesterol in the diet promotes atherosclerosis or heart attacks. For instance, more than twenty studies have shown that people who have had a heart attack haven't eaten more fat of any kind than other people, and degree of atherosclerosis at autopsy is unrelated with the diet.
Your body produces three to four times more cholesterol than you eat. The production of cholesterol increases when you eat little cholesterol and decreases when you eat much. This explains why the "prudent" diet cannot lower cholesterol more than on average a few per cent
All Tribal Societies ate predominantly raw and some cooked meat and had no degenerative diseases Early physician explorers such as Weston Price reported that the 'primitive tribes' they encountered living in isolated conditions before they got contaminated by outside civilisations, prized meat and thrived on it and animal products, only resorting to plant matter ( mainly fermented) as a back-up when meat was not available They were in much better physical condition than so called cvilised people. Their teeth were white without brushing in perfect alignment; their face beautiful and symmetrical; their bodies free from deformities; degenerative diseases and mental issues almost non-existent; they were incredibly fertile; they were strong and vigorous and many lived past a hundred years old. Only when they started including western diets or when there were severe food shortages did they start to degenerate!
The First Generations of Eskimos Studied That Ate Raw Meat, Animal Fat and Bones Lived Long Healthy Lives
In the 1860's, dental decay first appeared among the Eskimo people, occurring only in Eskimos who lived in white man's colonies, eating breads and sugar. The first case of cancer among Eskimos occurred in 1934. Like dental decay, cancer appeared only among second- and later generations of Eskimos who ate breads, sugar and cooked food for nearly a century. In his book Cancer: Disease Of Civilization? Chapter 14, "The Longevity Of 'Primitive' Eskimos," Vilhjalmur Stefansson stated that there was only one community of Eskimo reported to have had a short life span. That report has been used to propagandize that Eskimos lived short lives because of their predominately raw animal-food diet. In all other reports, "primitive" Eskimos lived as long as we do, with the same percentage of people exceeding the age of 100 years. Eskimos who ate their normal raw diet enjoyed teeth so strong that they chewed on bones during evening congregations. Osteoporosis only occurred in Eskimos who ate cooked, refined foods. If you placed average civilized humans of the 21st Century in the Alaskan environment, equipped with the same skills and required to live as the primitive Eskimo did, most would die within one winter's climatic exposure.
The First Generations of Eskimos studied ate raw meat, animal fat and bones lived Long Healthy Lives
In the 1860's, dental decay first appeared among the Eskimo people, occurring only in Eskimos who lived in white man's colonies, eating breads and sugar. The first case of cancer among Eskimos occurred in 1934. Like dental decay, cancer appeared only among second- and later generations of Eskimos who ate breads, sugar and cooked food for nearly a century. In his book: Cancer Disease Of Civilization? Chapter 14, "The Longevity Of 'Primitive' Eskimos," Vilhjalmur Stefansson stated that there was only one community of Eskimo reported to have had a short life span. That report has been used to propagandize that Eskimos lived short lives because of their predominately raw animal-food diet. In all other reports, "primitive" Eskimos lived as long as we do, with the same percentage of people exceeding the age of 100 years. Eskimos who ate their normal raw diet enjoyed teeth so strong that they chewed on bones during evening congregations. Osteoporosis only occurred in Eskimos who ate cooked, refined foods. If you placed average civilized humans of the 21st Century in the Alaskan environment, equipped with the same skills and required to live as the primitive Eskimo did, most would die within one winter's climatic exposure.
Our bodies thrive on meat. We don't have the ability to convert large amount of fibre into fats for energy like the herbivore do.
We have no specialised fermentation chambers like gorillas or cows to break down that fibre. It is impossible to break down that plant fibre without the gazillion specialised microbes that live in symbiosis in the guts of ruminants or no human primates to break down fibre. Even they need such a lengthy process to finally extract the nutrients that are tightly locked in to the plant cells and convert the fibre to energy. That's why gorillas, chimpanzees, cows, sheep spend all day eating tons of food. Gorillas have to eat around 40 pounds of fruit and plant matter a day just to sustain themselves. Plants are a low quality source of food that's why volumes of it are needed. Meat and animal sourced food is nutrient dense and contains all the essential nutrients in bioavailable form provided one eats it from head to toe including the offals. Because meat is high quality one doesn't need to spend all day eating it.
What's more our Stomach PH is around 1.5; highly acidic, in fact more acidic than most carnivores and only fractionally lower than scavenger birds. A strong PH is the mark of a carnivore - ideal for breaking down meat. A low acidic PH is also vital for carnivores and scavengers as it kills pathogenic bacteria and parasites on contact before they enter the system. Note that humans have a much lower PH than even omnivores and cats (PH 3.6)!
comparisons and discussions on stomach acidity in different animals:
It is claimed that meat causes cancer yet to date, there is no randomised control trial to prove this. The research against meat is coming mainly from three Harvard scientists who are plant based and funded by the plant based industry. The studies they have carried out are associational studies which have almost no scientific value and cannot establish cause. These studies are cherry picked to suit their agenda.
The Fibre Myth - Fibre may actually be harmful to our guts
There is absolutely no proven association between high fibre intake and reduced colorectal cancer. In fact, it may be the opposite. Fibre like whole grains or bran causes mechanical damage, inflammation and irritation as it goes through. This creates a tsunami of fermentation by your gut microbes and lots of gas and bloating which can be harmful over time. Many vegetables can also create bloating such as the broccoli, kale, cabbage or even avocado. Even the ADA warns against consuming more than 25 grams of fibre a day. And the most shocking truth is that fibre may cause constipation and not relieve it as demonstrated in the study where patients with severe constipation were put into three groups. One group had a high fibre intake. The second a medium intake and the third no fibre. Forty-one patients who completely stopped fiber intake had their bowel frequency increased. All of those on a high fiber diet continued to be symptomatic like bloating and constipation, none of the no fiber group had symptoms. Symptoms of abdominal pain only improved in patients who stopped fiber completely while those who continued on a high fiber diet or reduced fiber diet did not show any improvement In addition, those on a no dietary fiber diet no longer had symptoms of anal bleeding. Their conclusion was that the previous strongly-held belief that the application of dietary fiber to help constipation is but a myth.