Our Bodies Thrive On Meat

Our bodies thrive on meat. We don't have the ability to convert large amounts of fibre into fats for energy like the herbivore do.
We have no specialised fermentation chambers like gorillas or cows to break down that fibre. It is impossible to break down that plant fibre without the gazillion specialised microbes that live in symbiosis in the guts of ruminants or non human primates. Even they need such a lengthy process to finally extract the nutrients that are tightly locked in to the plant cells and convert the fibre to energy. That's why gorillas, chimpanzees, cows, sheep spend all day eating tons of food. Gorillas have to eat around 40 pounds of fruit and plant matter a day just to sustain themselves. Plants are a low quality source of food that's why volumes of it are needed. Meat and animal sourced food is nutrient dense and contains all the essential nutrients in bioavailable form provided one eats it from head to toe including the offals. Because meat is high quality one doesn't need to spend all day eating it.
What's more our Stomach PH is around 1.5; highly acidic, in fact more acidic than most carnivores and only fractionally lower than scavenger birds. A strong PH is the mark of a carnivore - ideal for breaking down meat. A low acidic PH is also vital for carnivores and scavengers as it kills pathogenic bacteria and parasites on contact before they enter the system. Note that humans have a much lower PH than even omnivores and cats (PH 3.6)!
comparisons and discussions on stomach acidity in different animals: